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Creating An At-Home Learning Environment

Learning has expanded far beyond the reach of the classroom in this modern age. Most of that is due to the ever changing, constantly evolving, and always growing world of technology. Online education and out of school learning has grown incredibly over the past decades. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom that wants to play an active role in their child’s education or a student in an online classroom creating an at-home learning environment can be extremely beneficial. Turning that spare room into an expensive gym isn’t going to happen any time soon and creating a guest room would only invite more visits from the in-laws! Why not turn this empty space into an environment where you and your family can learn and grow? It’s more than just throwing up some bookshelves and a desk and calling it a day! Creating an environment that’s truly stimulating and nurtures your educational journey is a little bit more complicated than that. Read on to learn some great ways that you can create a space for learning and growth.

Let’s start with color schemes. Color has been proven to affect mood and certain colors have certain effects on the brain. For a learning environment you want a color that’s stimulating but not overly energetic. Painting the walls red may be tempting but it might be a bit too stimulating. If you’d like add a few touches of red in the decor, something to keep it warm without being too energetic. Another great way to do this is to paint the walls a nice yellow, this will create warmth and invigoration. You can find great deals on paint in a variety of colors perfect for a learning environment at Sherwin Williams.Color schemes pertain to more than just paint colors though. If you keep with a warm color throughout the room in decor, rugs, or lamps it will help to create a stimulating environment that’s also comfy. A lot of natural light is definitely a plus! If you have a room with big open windows that allow the sun to come in, consider making this your new learning space.

Now that you’ve got the color scheme down the next part is to make it cozy, make it seem lived in. There is a fine line that you need to walk when decorating your new learning environment. It should be cozy and relaxing but not too cozy and relaxing, you don’t want it to turn into a nap room! That’s why it’s best to keep the furniture to a minimum. Be sure to have a desk and maybe a chair or two. If you’re going to be helping your children with their education in this room it’s great to have a lot of open space for them to play while they learn. The Home Decorator’s Collection from Home Depot offers a wide variety of home decor, rugs, furniture, and storage solutions that would go great in any at-home learning environment!

When you’re creating your at-home learning environment remember that color schemes matter, keep furniture sparse, and create a balanced space that’s both welcoming and energizing.